Milano, 21 ottobre (Luxury&Finance) – The Covid 19 pandemic has not slowed down the works of the Libeskind Tower at CityLife in Milan, started in 2018: the building, 175.5 meters high, 34 levels in total for 33,500 square meters, has been completed and delivered to PwC Italia, to become the headquarters of the company, able to accommodate 3000 professionals. The PwC Tower design is by architect Daniel Libeskind. It completes the skyline of Piazza Tre Torri. It is next to the Generali Tower, designed by Zaha Hadid, and the Allianz Tower, by Arata Isozaki with Andrea Maffei. The geometry of the PwC Tower was the most challenging o the three because of its characteristic curvature in elevation. The distinctive element of the skyscraper is its ‘crown’, 40 meters high and 600 tons of steel and glass at the top of the building. The Tower has already obtained the pre-certification Leed rating Gold: a prestigious award together with the Leed Platinum certification of Torre Generali and Gold of Torre Allianz.
Photo Courtesy David Bombelli